Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My week so far.....

So far this week my computer which i loved dearly and was truly my best friend passed on to the great computer heaven.  ( moment of silence while sad music plays)......... Now im looking in to finding a new best friend one who will travel with me every where. And do all sorts of cool stuff like storing my pictures , rough drafts for reviews,  my books and so much  much  more.!
              Would really love it if a sweet deal would fall into my lap like "Try out our computer and give us a review and you  keep the computer"!  So far though  my inbox isnt filling up with such  request , darn it! Oh well guess a girl can dream while shes shopping walmart best buy and other store she can think of while looking for that really great deal ! 
       Until next time keep smiling and reaching for the stars ( Kasey Kasem quote there )
            On a sad note Jimi Jamison of Survivor fame passed away ! cant believe  my teenage girl crush is gone , off to listen to every Survivor Album i own  should make me feel a little better maybe  Peace

1 comment:

  1. I wish someone would give me a lap top to review too!!
    That would be awesome!!!
